Use this form to add or update suppliers (e.g., submit a W-9, W-8BEN, or W-8BEN-E for: Business, Individual, Employee, Student Traveler, Guest Lecturer, etc.).
Bulk requests (set up a group of individuals) that need added or updated in FITC will route to the Payables team.
All other requests will be routed to our TDX Help Desk, who will be providing support to the SSC in keying these transactions.
IRS forms should be signed within one calendar year
For any ACH requests, please review the ACH Documentation Checklist beforehand.
Cases that do NOT require IRS forms (W-9, W-8BEN, etc.):
- For BUSINESS Remit Address Updates ONLY, an invoice showing a clear remit address will suffice in place of W-9 or W-8BEN-E. The invoice will only be used for supplier maintenance; it will NOT be processed for payment.
- For Email or Phone Number UPDATES ONLY, documentation should be included that references the update (a copy of an email correspondence, etc.).
Form links: