If you get the following message:
Delivery has failed to these recipients or groups:
The email address you entered couldn't be found. Please check the recipient's email address and try to resend the message. If the problem continues, please contact the KU IT Customer Service Center.
This issue can come about if there is an error with the suggested contact for the email address you are trying to send to. You can follow these steps to circumvent this error on a per-email basis:
- Open a New Email message.

- Type the first few characters of the name or email of the recipient you want to remove.
- Hover over the suggested entry that matches the recipient until it is highlighted, but do not click it.
- Click the X button that appears to the right of the recipient's information.

This will not remove the suggestion permanently, it will only do so for the email you have just composed, allowing you to manually type the email address you are needing to send to. The only way to remove a suggestion permanently is to remove every reference to this address in your Office 365 account. This means every email, meeting and other correspondence involving your account and this address will need to be deleted.