This process is only for copying your personal files and information from your KU account to your personal account. A copy of KU documents should only be made in cases where you are building a portfolio. Please seek the guidance and direction of your supervisor and the technical support team for your department. Additionally, it is a violation of the KU Terms of Use and state law to copy the entire Global Address List (GAL). These instructions are only to copy personal contacts from your KU account. Exporting Contacts via Outlook Web App (OWA) Login to your KU email at Click on the People icon located in the bottom left corner of the screen. Select Your Contacts. Click the check box next to the Your Contacts header. This will select all of your contacts in Outlook. Click Manage in the upper right. Select Export Contacts This will download a file called contacts.csv which is used in the next step to import contacts into your Google account. Import Contacts Into Gmail Go to to view the contacts for your Google account. You will need to sign in to your personal Google account if you are not already signed in. Select the Import option from the sidebar. Click Select file. Choose the contacts.csv file downloaded in the previous section. Select Open. Once you see the alert All done, your contacts are uploaded to your Gmail account.