Microsoft may flag a message as spam when it isn't. These emails will show up in your Junk Email folder and may be labeled KU SUSPECT SPAM. By adding the sender address to your safe sender list, it ensures that sender's future messages go to your inbox instead of your junk email folder.
On the Tools menu, click Junk Email Preferences.
Select Safe Senders Either click the + at the bottom of the window to add an email address Select an email address in the list to edit or delete from the list. Use the - to delete a selected email address
When adding a new safe sender. Type in the email address or domain name you would like to add to the list the press Return
These instructions will assist you in managing your safe senders list. Steps 1-3 will get you to the correct location. Click here for Adding addresses Click here for Updating, or Removing addresses
To remove or edit an existing entry in the list. Simply locate the address and click the pencil to edit or trashcan to delete the entry as shown below.
These instructions will assist you in managing your safe senders list. Steps 1 & 2 will get you to the correct location to add a safe sender. To update or remove a safe sender click here.
On the Home tab, click Block, and then click Junk E-mail Options.
On the Safe Senders tab, click Add.
In the window that opens enter the email address or domain to be added to and click OK. This will add the email address to your list of safe senders. Updating, or Removing Safe Senders
Find the address in the list and then select Edit or Remove as shown below.