These instructions will discuss how to share files from OneDrive and Sharepoint. These two services are closely related and share similar steps when sharing files through a web browser. If an external user (such as KDOT, KUMC, or any other Guest) has issues accessing files and folders stored in Teams, the Team owner must also share the "Sharepoint" document library. Detailed instructions can be found in the Teams panel below. OneDrive & Sharepoint These instructions will walk you through how to share files and folders in Sharepoint or OneDrive. If you need to manage existing access you've granted in the past, click here. Navigate to your Sharepoint Site or Complete the sign in process to access KU related resources. Locate the file or folder you wish to share. Click the round dot to the left to select the file or folder, then click Share. It is recommend that you click the Gear icon to configure access manually. Otherwise, access is defaulted to People in University of Kansas. Additional details are provided below in step #5. Once you've made your sharing selection, click Apply. These are the sharing options available to users. Its important to know how these work. Skip to the next step when your ready. For a detailed visual explanation regarding "Link Sharing" please refer to Microsoft documentation found here. Option Behavior Anyone This is not recommend due to security risks. Anyone who obtains the link will have access to the shared resource. This is not recommended. Example: If forwards the link to, Sam will have access to the file as well as Joe. If either of them forward the link to anyone else, that person will have access to the shared resource. People in University of Kansas This is better, but users who have access to the shared resource can still share the link freely to anyone else at KU. Anyone in possession of the link will be able to access your shared resource. This is not recommended for sensitive data. Only People with Existing Access This will generate a new email to be delivered to users with existing access. This acts like a reminder that they have access to the shared resource in question. People you Choose This is the most secure method of sharing files and folders. It ensures only the intended recipients have access to the content being shared with them. This method works both with KU and NON KU accounts and is recommended for sensitive data. More Settings Can Edit Users can Download and edit content Can View User can download and view content but not edit Can't download Allows users to view data but not download or edit the document. Now you can add email addresses for the users you want to have access. When you are done, you have two options for notifying the user about the shared resource. Copy Link - Does not notify the user that access has been granted but allows you to send them a personalized email with the link and possibly instructions as needed. Send - Microsoft will send all users an email with generic information and the link to access the shared resources. Manage File and Folder Access To view and manage sharing permissions, locate the file or folder you wish to share. Click the three dots to the right of the name. Click Manage Access. Locate and click on the user who needs to have access modified. They may be found either in the People or Links tab. You can now modify or revoke their access. Click Apply as needed.