If your personal system is asking you for your BitLocker recovery key, the following information may help you locate your recovery key and understand why you're being asked to provide it. BitLocker likely ensured that a recovery key was safely backed up prior to activating protection. There are several places that your recovery key may be, depending on the choice that was made when activating BitLocker: In your Microsoft account: Open a web browser on another device. Go to https://account.microsoft.com/devices/recoverykey to find your recovery key. Note: If the device was set up or if BitLocker was turned on by somebody else, the recovery key may be in that person’s Microsoft account. If you don't see it there, you can also check https://aka.ms/aadrecoverykey. Login here using your KU login. You should see a list of devices tied to your account. Click Get BitLocker keys next to your device. If the key cannot be found at either of these links, we cannot offer further support since it is a personal device. On a printout: You may have printed your recovery key when BitLocker was activated. Look where you keep important papers related to your computer. On a USB flash drive: Plug the USB flash drive into your locked PC and follow the instructions. If you saved the key as a text file on the flash drive, use a different computer to read the text file.