KU Account - Administrative Account Setup

Account setup and password resets for an administrative account must be handled via the MyIdentity website. Please follow the password reset instructions below.

Password Reset

  1. Go to the MyIdentity Password Reset page. You can also reach this location by going to myidentity.ku.edu and selecting Password Reset in the Password Services column.

  2. Enter the Online ID for your admin account and click Submit. If it states the account is locked when entering the Online ID, please call 785-864-8080 for assistance.

  3. Enter your primary email address - keep in mind that it is case sensitive - and then click Verify Email. If you are not sure what your primary email alias is. Please visit https://alias.ku.edu to view this information.

  4. Click Send Email when prompted to confirm. You will need to use the link sent in the email within 30 minutes. After 30 minutes, the link is no longer valid. You'll see a confirmation banner at the top of the page noting that the password reset email has been sent.

  5. Check your KU email for an email from itcsc@ku.edu with the subject line Password Reset Request.
  6. Click the Reset Password button. This will open the password reset page in your browser.

  7. Enter a new password for your admin account. The requirements are listed on the right side do not apply here. Your password must be 15-128 characters. Everything else still applies.

  8. Log in to your admin account with your new password to confirm that it is working.

Your password must be 15 to 128 characters long and must contain 3 out of 4 characters listed below:

  • At least one special character (&,#,-,_, etc.)
  • At least one uppercase letter.
  • At least one lowercase letter
  • At least one digit (0-9)

Additionally, you will not be allowed to

  • Re-use your current or previous 10 passwords.
  • Use your name or Online ID in your password.