- Log into the Perceptive Content client.
- Within Perceptive content, hold down the Shift key on the keyboard and then right-click on the title bar. From the screenshot, this is the grey bar that says "Perceptive Content – KU-Production."
- From the menu that appears, select Explore Application Data folder to open the appropriate AppData folder where the configuration settings are stored.
- Copy the XML file named "inscan" to a safe location (ie: Desktop, V: drive location, etc.).
- In the same appdata folder, there may be an additional XML file that needs to be copied to a safe location. The file name is "indevice", however, this file may NOT be on everyone’s computer. If this file is not in this folder, ignore this step and continue.
- After the upgrade is complete, repeat steps 1 – 3 to return to the AppData folder that pertains to the new Perceptive Content client.
- In the "new" AppData folder, copy the inscan XML file from step 4 to this folder.
- Exit the Perceptive Content client and reopen it to verify the configuration from the previous client is restored in the new client.
If you have any questions or issues, contact the KU IT Customer Service Center (contact info below).