Sonia (School of Social Welfare) - Access and Information


The School of Social Welfare uses an application called SONIA hosted at KU to provide access and tracking of Field Education Placements this application is located at 

There are three roles in which a person must choose to log in: Student, Agency, or Field Liaisons.  Each of these roles has a different authentication method.

  1. Navigate to
  2. Change language if needed then select School of Social Welfare.

  3. If logging in to the Student Role
    • A KU student enrolled in Social Welfare Practicum would choose the student role and then click University Sign In.

  • This will take them to the KU SSO page if they aren't already logged in. If they are unable to log in here, troubleshoot password issues in the standard route.
  • If they successfully login through SSO but receive the message "Unable to retrieve details for the specified user. Please ensure you've chosen the correct School" or a blank field education page without Menus, the ticket should be assigned to the ESWJL TSC - Twente group.
  1. If logging in as a Practicum Liaison

    • This role is for Liaisons, they are employed by KU as lecturer liaison.
    • A KU Liaison would choose the Field Liaison role and then enter their Username and Password, using their KU OnlineID and password, and click Sign In.
    • This login authenticates through Active Directory. 
    • If they receive the message "Unable to retrieve details for the specified user. Please ensure you"ve chosen the correct School"
    • This could be either a password issue or an authorization issue.
    • First, handle it in the standard way of password troubleshooting by having them to log into to confirm they have the correct username and password.  If they correct and login issue but still receive that error message when trying again, then assign the ticket to the ESWJL TSC - Twente group.
  2. If logging in as an Agency
    • This role is for Field Agency contacts.  They are not affiliated with KU.
    • An Agency contact would choose the Agency role and then enter their Username and Password.  This username and password is usually their Agency email address and a password that they selected.
    • As they are not affiliated with KU their username and password are maintained on the Sonia system and managed by the School of Social Welfare. If they have any login in issues the ticket should be assigned to ESWJL TSC - Twente group.


  • The forgot password link on the Field education sign on page. Only works for those in the Agency Role.  It does not work for Students or Field Liaison"s as forgotten passwords should be handled in the standard manner at KU.
  • If the problem needs to be solved by the department besides assigning the ticket to ESWJL TSC - Twente group,  they may call the IT Tech in Social Welfare, Todd Isaac at 785-864-5873 or the Field Education Office Manager, Alberta Wright at 785-864-2268
  • If you receive calls for any other issues related to the application assign the ticket to ESWJL TSC - Twente group or have them call the contacts referenced.



Article ID: 18936
Tue 11/26/24 11:09 AM
Thu 12/5/24 8:16 PM