Sharing with KU users The following instructions detail how to share your calendar with other KU or KUMC users. Open Outlook. Open your calendar by clicking the calendar icon in the left menu bar. Click the Share Calendar drop down. The calendar should be listed in the drop down menu. On the Permissions tab, select Add to bring up your contact list. Select the contacts you would like to share the calendar with. Your contact should now have an email letting them know that they have access to the shared calendar. Sharing with External services Because calendars often contain confidential and/or sensitive information, KU does not permit users to set up anonymous access to the mail servers (which is required for external calendar sharing). The KU system will only allow you to share whether your are Free or Busy. No other details are permitted to be sent to third-party applications. There are also third-party applications that can be installed on a Windows workstation that will provide some sync functionality. If you choose to use a third-party sync application, you should be aware that syncing certain types of KU data to a third-party site may violate one or more KU policies. Regardless of the option chosen, any calendar sync performed by you should be for your personal use only and not disseminated to others. Microsoft has introduced a new feature in Outlook that will allow you to publish your calendar so it is accessible by third-party applications. Below are instructions for how to publish your calendar in the Outlook Web App(OWA). Go to After logging in, click on the Settings gear in the top right corner. Click on Calendar in the left-most menu. Click on Share Calendars in the next menu. In the Publish a calendar section, select your Calendar and select Can view when I'm busy. Click Publish. You will now see and HTML link and an ICS link to your calendar. Left click the link to copy it. You can return to this screen anytime to copy the link to add it to a third-party application.