What is an Automated Booking Resource Account?
An Automated Booking Resource account can provide a quick response (accept or decline) to requests for scheduling conference rooms and equipment. Not all conference rooms and equipment in Outlook are set up for automated booking.
Can I log in directly to a Resource Account?
No. The Moderator manages the account through their own Outlook Calendar view or Calendar groups. To learn more, view the
Managing Rooms guide.
How do I request a new Automated Booking Account?
If you are the person responsible for managing a room or equipment resource, please visit Link update request new automated resource/ room account link. From there, you can request a resource account for Rooms or Equipment.
How do I change an Automated Resource?
Contact the KU IT Customer Service Center at 785-864-8080 or
Who is authorized to send meeting requests to schedule rooms?
Any KU Outlook user is permitted to send a meeting request to schedule a resource displayed in Outlook. Depending on room availability, and how the room permissions are configured, the request may be automatically accepted, automatically denied, or submitted to a Moderator.To learn more, view the
Scheduling Rooms guide.
How do I schedule a meeting that is configured as an Automated Booking Account?
Updated KB for Scheduling a meeting using an automated resource booking account - outlook to be placed here.
What if my meeting request is Declined by the room?
Review the information provided in the scheduling response. Use of the room or equipment may be restricted to a particular department or group, or the resource may have already been booked.
Does the "Room Finder" tool work for this kind of account?
Yes, the Outlook 2010 Room Finder feature works the same as previously.
My attendees have not received the meeting request. Why?
Not all rooms are configured for automated booking. Rooms that are NOT configured for automatic booking must be manually reviewed by the Moderator before the request goes to attendees.
What about equipment such as vehicles or projectors? Does the process change?
No. Automated resource accounts can also be created for equipment. You will select equipment the same way you add an individual. If you have problems finding equipment, search the Global Address List.
For more information about Automated Resource Accounts, view updated KB for Automated resource account to be place here