Using the Mobile Version of Web Card CenterThe mobile version of the Web Card Center can be accessed one of two ways:
- Directly by going to
- From myKU by opening the KU Card portlet and clicking on the Go To Web Card Center link.
With the upgrade to CS Gold 6 (the vendor name for our KU Card enterprise system) KU also installed a web application called Web Card Center. This web application allows a user to do the following tasks:
- View current balance of Beak 'Em Bucks.
- View transaction history of Beak 'Em Bucks.
- View current balance of meal plans for those meal plans that are not unlimited.
- View current balance of associated meal plan money balance.
- View meal plan and meal plan money transactions for those meal plans that are not unlimited.
- Report KU Card as lost.
- Report KU Card as found.
- Set notification preferences so the user can be notified via email or text message when account balance falls below a specific amount.
The Web Card Center application displays a different look and slightly different features when displayed in a web browser that is on a mobile device. This document discusses how to use the version of Web Card Center that displays on mobile devices. Web Card Center replaces several functions previously available in myKU. The KU Card portlet in myKU will still show the user's Beak 'Em Bucks balance. The other functions such as reporting a KU Card as lost or viewing a transaction history are now performed by the Web Card Center. The KU Card portlet will have links to the Web Card Center.
- To login to the mobile or desktop version of Web Card Center use this URL:
- Web Card Center automatically detects if you're accessing the application using a web browser that is on a mobile device. So, the same URL is used for both the mobile and desktop version.
- You will need to provide your KU online ID and password if you've not already logged in.
- You can also get to the Web Card Center from a link in myKU at and then go to the Finances tab. On that page you will see your current Beak 'Em Bucks balance and links to various pages in the Web Card Center.
- Once logged in to the Web Card Center, you will see the welcome page in your mobile device's web browser:

- On the home page click on an icon to go to a specific area of Web Card Center; for example, to go to the page that displays your balances, click on the Balance icon.
- To navigate to the main menu page click on the Home icon in the upper left of the screen.
- If you click on the >> icon in the upper right, the last page you displayed prior to going to the home page will be redisplayed.

View Current Balance(s)
- To view your current balances for Beak 'Em Bucks and meal plans click on the Balance icon from the Home page. You may also go there directly by using this URL:
- On the balances page you'll see the current Beak 'Em Bucks balance.
- If you have a meal plan that has an associated money account, you'll see the balance for that. If you have a meal plan that is not an unlimited number of meals, you will see the number of meals left for that meal plan.

View Transaction History
- To view a history of transactions for Beak 'Em Bucks or other account, go to the Balances page (see above) and then click on the Transaction History icon for that account.
- After clicking the History icon you'll see a page where you can specify the date range for the transactions.
- Use the drop downs to set the From and To dates.
- Use the Accounts drop down to restrict showing the transaction history to a specific account (e.g. Beak 'Em Bucks). Then click on the View History to see your transactions.

Report Lost KU Card
- From the main menu page, click on the Lost Card icon. You should see this screen:
- Click on the Yes button to report your KU Card as lost.

Report Found KU Card
- After reporting your KU Card as lost, you can report your KU Card as found if you find it. On the main menu page will be a link for Found Card (this link only appears if you've previously reported your KU Card as lost).
- Click on the Yes button to report your KU Card as found.
Please Note: If you've reported your card as found and do not see the Found Card link, log out of the Web Card Center and then log back in.
Set Notification Preferences
- Web Card Center allows users to specify that they want to be notified either via email or text message when their Beak 'Em Bucks balance drops below a specific amount, when a deposit is made to their Beak 'Em Bucks balance that is larger than a specific amount and when a charge is made to their Beak 'Em Bucks account that is larger than a specific amount.
- In the mobile version of the Web Card Center the user can setup the notification methods.
- To setup how you want to be notified click on the Settings icon on the main menu page.

- Click on the Add Contact link to add a notification method.
- Use the drop down to select the notification type (either email or text message). Then fill in the rest of the rest of the remaining fields for that notification type.
- If you selected text message as the notification type, be sure to select ON for the I agree to the T&C box.
- Click on the Save button to save your notification method.

- Please Note: If you selected text message as your notification type, there are two more steps you must complete.
- After clicking on the Save button for text message you will get a text message at the phone number provided.
- That text message will have a confirmation code number that you will then need to enter in the Enter code block.
- If you don't get the text message after a few minutes, click on the Send Confirmation Code button again.
- You should see the Confirmed text in the Opt-In Status block.
- After entering the confirmation code click on the Confirm button.

Check Notification Methods
- To check on your notification methods click on the settings icon on the main menu page. Each contact method will have a green check next to the name you gave that contact method.

- In the Account Preferences For box you can set the values for when you want to be notified. For example to receive a notification when your Beak 'Em Bucks balance falls below $5.00 enter 5.00 in the Balance is less then input box.
- Then click Save after changing these values.
- To edit a contact method click on the contact method name and then edit your settings. Then click on the Save button.
- To delete a contact method, click on the contact method and then click on the delete button.