Read&Write is no longer hosted on the KU Software Store. In order to install this, users will need to follow the steps below for installation and activation. Mac Go to Click on Try Read&Write and select Mac. You may get a popup asking to allow downloads, click Allow. In Finder, open downloads and double-click on read&write.dmg. Follow the instructions shown in the Read&Write Installer. Open Read&Write from the Applications Folder in Finder. You can also find it via the Launchpad. Click Open when prompted by Apple Security that the application was downloaded form the Internet. If prompted, select Security and Privacy. Select the check box to allow Read&Write access. Select Continue. Click Ok. Select I accept the User Terms and click OK. Select Sign in with Microsoft. Enter your email address as "" This will route you to the KU single sign-on (SSO) page. Log in with KU Online ID and KU Password. Select Accept when prompted. Read&Write should now be properly installed and accessible. Windows Go to Select Try Read&Write and click on Windows (for your desired location: US, CA, or UK). Once downloaded, click on the file to begin installation. The installer will automatically begin. Click on accept and install when it appears. The installer will begin, and may take several minutes to install. Once completed, you will see the Read&Write Icon on your desktop. Open the program to begin activation. You will now see a tab at the top of your screen. Click on the Read&Write logo. This will open a browser window. Click Sign in with Microsoft. Once signed in, your copy of Read&Write will be activated.