KU Account - Setting Up KU OnlineID Account

Setup KU Online ID

The KU online ID (sometimes called a KU Online Account or KU Username) is the primary ID used throughout KU Online Services. Each new student and employee will need to follow the instructions below when setting up their KU Online ID. The instructions provided here apply only to users who have not setup their account initially or have had an administrative password reset done on their account.

New or transfer students can find their Student ID number on the Freshman or Transfer admissions letter or you can request it directly from the Registrar's Office by calling them at 785-864-4423.

  1. Navigate to the following link: https://myidentity.ku.edu/setup.
  2. Enter the requested information.

    • Your KU Student ID is a seven-digit ID number that will be in the format of 1234567. Enter it in the first box.
    • Your date of birth will need to be put in the format of Year-Month-Day, and ensure you include the hyphens.
    • Make sure you click the user agreement.
  3. Click on Submit once you are ready.
  4. The next page will provide you with your KU Online ID and your KU Email Address. We suggest writing these things down. Once you have them down or memorized, please click Continue.

    Note: Your email address may be listed as your primary email address if you have already completed the account setup and are going through this process to reset a password.
  5. You will now be directed to set up your new password.

    • Your password must be 8 to 128* characters long and must contain 3 out of 4 listed below:
      • At least one special character (&,#,-,_, etc.)
      • At least one uppercase letter.
      • At least one lowercase letter
      • At least one digit (0-9)
    • Additionally, you will not be allowed to:
      • Re-use your current or previous 10 passwords.
      • Use your name or Online ID in your password.
    • Note: If you enter in too many unusable passwords, it will lock you out of your account.

  6. Click Submit once you finish.
  7. It will now show a reminder page asking when you would like to set a reminder to reset your password before it expires. This is your personal choice of if/when you would like the reminder.

  8. It is recommended to set up a recovery email in case you forget your password or it expires. We also recommend filling out your challenge questions once you have completed the account setup process.


You can find instructions on how to set up your challenge questions in Account Recovery Options