You must know your previous password in order to complete this process. If you have forgotten your password, or your password has expired. Please see the next segment Password Recovery - Self Service.
Change Password Loops through SSO
When your password is within 30 days of expiring, you'll see the following alert:
- If you click "Change Your Password" in this alert, the authentication process does not complete — which means that as far as KU single sign-on is concerned, you did not sign in. If the service you were trying to sign into when this alert popped up was the MyIdentity Services password change page then you will receive another alert:

- This page indicates that you are encountering a loop. By clicking the Continue button on the initial password expiration warning, as explained by the instructions in the Wise Choice alert, you can proceed to where you were signing into initially. This Continue button is what completes the sign-in process.

Changing Your Password
If you are working off-campus on a KU workstation, please follow the instructions in the referenced article All about your KU Managed Device (Laptop & Desktops) after updating your password.
- Go to MyIdentity services at
- Click Change Your Password under Password Services.
- Log in with your KU online ID and your current password if prompted.
- Fill in your existing password in the Current Password field.
- Enter a new password in the New Password field.
- Type the password again in the Reenter Password field.
- Click Submit.

- If the password change is successful, you will see a green banner that reads Success.

- Click Password expiration reminders if you would like to have a reminder added to your KU calendar for when your password will expire.
Requirements for your new password are listed on the right side, and are as follows:
Your password must be 8 to 128 characters long and must contain 3 out of 4 characters listed below:
- At least one special character (&,#,-,_, etc.)
- At least one uppercase letter.
- At least one lowercase letter
- At least one digit (0-9)
- Additionally, you will not be allowed to:
- Re-use your current or previous 10 passwords.
- Use your name, Online ID in your password, or any other personal information.