If you lose internet connection while activating SPSS/AMOS, you may see the error below during activation. You can activate this software via email as a workaround if you are unable to connect to the internet. These instructions assume you have gone through the initial activation steps from the respective panels above, and has the license key ready from the My Software KU Software page (see activation panel for your software above for details). The steps below use screenshots for SPSS, but they apply the same to AMOS.
- Click Next at the error screen.

- Click Copy to copy the email body.

- Open your email app. If you don't have internet access on your device, you can paste the email body text into a notepad text file, move the txt file onto a USB drive, and move that to a different device that has internet and email access.
- In the To field, type spssls@us.ibm.com.
- In the Subject line, type "License Authorized" with the quotations.
- Paste the email text you copied earlier into the body of the email. Ensure it is exactly the same as the text provided in the authorization window from step 2.
- Send the email.

- You should then receive an email response from the automated system. It can take anywhere from a few minutes to several hours for the email response to come in. If after 24 hours you haven't received anything, try sending the email again, ensuring that you are don't have any typos or differences from the copied text.
- Copy the license string in the email (everything to the left of #).

- Return to the Authorization Wizard and click Finish if you haven't already.

- Restart the Authorization Wizard and proceed until you get to the Enter Codes page.
- This time, add both the license key from SPSS 2024 License Key under My Software, as well as the license string copied from the email, by pasting them one at a time and clicking Add.

- Once you can see that they're both added in the lower box, click Next.

- You should then see this output. As long as the license key and license string you inputted in the previous few steps are correct, you can ignore the errors. Click Next.

- Ignore the new email prompt on this page, and click Finish.

- Click Restart to restart SPSS/AMOS and apply the license.

- SPSS/AMOS should then start up normally.