Standard Troubleshooting
- Clear browser cache and cookies. For more information on clearing browser cache and cookies please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
- Try a different Browser.
- Verify browser is up to date using the latest version. (Must check for updates)
- Monitor must be in Landscape orientation and not zoomed in.
- Close all other applications
- Try using full screen mode. Windows: press F11, Mac: click View menu on the browser menu and select full screen
- Disable pop-up blockers. For more information on disabling browser extensions such as pop-up blockers please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
- Enable 3rd party cookies. For more information on enabling third-party cookies please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
- Ensure pop-ups are allowed for the website you are accessing. For more information on allowing pop-ups please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
- Reboot computer
- If using wireless internet, try a wired connection
- Try accessing course at a different time of day/ internet connection
System Requirements
A modern web browser and applicable Adobe Flash plug-in (usually included with the browser) is required.
- Mas OS X Yosemite or El Capitan: Chrome/Firefox (latest version), Safari 9+
- Windows 7: Chrome/Firefox (latest version)
- Windows 8.x: Chrome/Firefox (latest version), Internet Explorer 11
- Windows 10: Chrome/Firefox (latest version), Internet Explorer 11
Browser Settings
- JavaScript must be enabled
- Pop-Up Blockers must be disabled
- Security Level Settings: Default settings supported; IE Maximum Security levels not supported
- Privacy Settings: Default settings supported; Maximum Privacy Setting (disabling cookies) not supported
For more information on adjusting browser settings please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
Stuck Mid Presentation / Unable to Progress
- Switch Browsers: Recommended Chrome / Firefox
- Turn on Video Accessibility
Course Completed: Not marked as such.
- Exit the browser
- Clear Cache & Cookies. For more information on clearing browser cache and cookies please see the related article Browser Troubleshooting
- Log back in.
- If completed, great
- If not completed, escalate ticket
Completed Courses
Completed courses can be found under Learning page located under 'Home' at the top left-hand corner of the page then select the 'History' tile.
As with all web-based products, you may find different levels of success depending on the age of your tablet and software. While we recommend the following minimum requirements, it is not possible for us to test all device models and software combinations. For this reason, we cannot guarantee a perfect experience on your particular model and highly recommend you test the course on your device to determine if it is compatible.
iOS version 9.3 or later running on iPad 2 or later
Note: We do not support smartphones at this time. The courses may work on them, but we do not develop or test against them so they are not recommended.
Flash Player: Please note some browsers may require Adobe Flash for multimedia content.
Screen Resolution: Minimum resolution 1010x675
Audio/Video: Sound card with either speakers or headphones.
Screen Readers: Firefox/NVDA and Mac/VoiceOver
Working From KU Lab Computer
- Mac is not supported. You must use a PC workstation.
- You will need a driver's license or a KU ID to check out a headset. Headsets use a 3.5mm jack (normal headphone jack). Port should be located on the front of the lab PC.
If you have any questions or issues, contact the KU IT Customer Service Center (contact info below).