You will not have free printing funds added to your KU card in the following scenarios:
- You don't meet the criteria (listed below).
- You have already used your free printing fund.
- It is between semesters.
- You are not logged into the public computer with your KU Online ID.
Currently enrolled students at KU are supplied with $8.00 worth of free printing during the spring and fall semesters, and $4.00 during the Summer semester. This amount is added the week classes begin, and removed a week after finals.
After your free printing allocation is used, you will need to add money to your KU Card (Directions can be found in the panel Adding money) before you can print or copy. After you log in to a computer in a central campus location you will see a notice on the computer screen if you do not have enough funds to process the request.
Students who are employed by the university as Graduate Teaching Assistants (GTAs) are not eligible for free printing, as they are considered faculty/employees of the university. Faculty and staff do not receive free printing.
In order to receive free printing at the start of each semester, students must meet the following criteria:
- Students must have a KU Card. If you have just received your KU Card, free printing funds will be available to you the following day.
- Student must be currently enrolled in classes. If you have just enrolled in KU classes, your free printing funds will be available to you the following day.
- Student must have a registered KU email address. For new students, please complete setting up a KU Online ID by going to
- Free printing is only available during the academic semester. This usually goes into effect the week classes begin, and ends a week after finals.
- You must be logged in to the computer with your own Online ID when printing some a public computer. Log on to the computer to see the funds you have available.