My Recently Visited Services

Use this form to add or update supplier information.

Use this all-inclusive form to submit a finance request to the Finance Shared Service Center (SSC).

Use this service to request a purchase of technology-related products or services, including software, SaaS, cloud data storage, major IT hardware/equipment, IT professional services, or software/IT hardware maintenance or support.

Please submit a new request for each technology offering in which you are seeking IT approval. Do not include multiple technology offerings on a single ticket.

Requests are jointly reviewed by KU Procurement and KU IT

Use this form to submit an Independent Contractor Payment Request

Use this form to request employee and non-employee student reimbursement for non-travel purchases.

Get Started with E-commerce at KU

Use this service to request a purchase of non-technology products or services.

Submit an idea to improve a KU process or experience.

Request Support and/or Provide Feedback

Administration and management of financial services, procurement, travel, budget, vendor relations, and equipment purchasing systems.

This document is used to identify where funds received via the Interfund process are to be deposited.

Submit an idea to improve KU.